December Newsletter

December Newsletter

Published by Elise on Dec 5th 2023

Happy holidays to our hardworking pottery community! As the snow starts falling (sort of) we're bundling up in our studios, attempting to get every last thing done before the year ends. We know you've been going nonstop to prepare for those holiday sales, commissions, and gifts, we're here to say: YOU'RE AMAZING! This is a stressful time and you're making wonderful things! Try to give yourself time to enjoy the holidays and de-stress. It doesn't matter if that mug fell on the floor and fired wonky, I promise your mother will still love it.

We know the markets this month are numerous, but I'll go ahead and highlight a chosen few!

We have the  Denver BAZAAR going on in RiNo December 8th - 9th, which will showcase a plethora of local artists, along with food, drink and music!

The  Denver Christkindlmarket will also continue until December 23rd in Civic Center Park, where you can shop local art pieces and other lovely accouterments.

The  Holiday Makers Market is on December 9th, 12:00 - 7:00pm at MCA Denver at the Holiday Theater. Check out a slew of handmade art, as well as enjoy music and holiday activities!

The Holigay Market will be on December 4th, 9:00am - 2:00pm at the Town Hall Collaborative, put on by the Denver Queer Art Club! This market showcases both well-known and lesser-known artists.

Want more information on local markets happening in the Denver/Arvada area? Check out this  website

Because we're so excited for it, we want to remind folks that  Clay Con West is coming up in January in Utah! Don't forget to sign up and check into plane tickets!

You may have noticed a new tip jar at the front counter! We had customer requests to put one out as our staff goes above and beyond to solve your pottery issues, walk you through your clay, glaze and tools needs, and offer advice from personal experiences. We aim to hire folks with a background on pottery for this purpose, and our staff and their love for their customers and community is what makes Stone Leaf special. Tips go directly to our staff and of course are not required, but always appreciated!

New General Manager alert! 

We've been on the hunt for a General Manager and we've found it in our very own staff member, Lara! If you're familiar with Lara, she's just about the kindest person around, sharp to boot and an excellent member of our team. We're tickled pink she's going to be our new GM. If you see her around the store, give her a high-five and say congrats! Lara comes with a solid business management career and is a potter. Her skills combine business and clay beautifully and we are thrilled to have her at Stone Leaf in this capacity.

Clay of the Month - All Porcelain 10% off

'Tis the season to throw and sculpt with porcelain, and we're here to make your job all the easier by putting it on sale!  This extends to all brands of porcelain that we carry, from Laguna to Kentucky Mudworks. Want to get your hands on some porcelain but have been held back by price? This deal is perfect for you! Porcelain is a hard, fine-grained, sonorous, nonporous, and usually translucent and white ceramic-ware that fires bright and can survive the test of time. Scoop up a bag this month!

Want to see more porcelain examples? Check out this search on  Pinterest!

Electric Kiln Workshop
Wednesday, December 6 at 8 am

If you have purchased a kiln from Stone Leaf in the last 2 years, this workshop is free to you. One kiln = one workshop seat. Otherwise, cost for this class is $75.

During this class, a variety of topics for firing electric kilns will be covered, including:

  • Multiple "what if" scenarios and "how do I" questions for basic firing techniques.
  • Problem-solving for the "oh no!!" moments that can happen, with how to solve those issues, as well as great online resources for kiln how-tos.
  • Setting up your kiln, firing schedules, using vents and cone packs, and we'll answer your questions as we go along.
  • Got questions? Bring them with you!

Fill the Stocking: Toys of the Month!

Another tradition we love to share with our customers! We have a (ceramic) Christmas stocking and most tools that fit in the stocking are 10% off in December.

There are a couple of rules:

  1. The tools must comfortably fit in the stocking completely. This means, you can't crumple or crush items into fitting within the stocking. The whole tool must fit and not be sticking out of the top.
  2. Most tools are available for this special but there are certain lines we cannot offer discounts on. Inquire at the front desk for more information.
  3. Tools only! No cones or refractory or underglazes, etc. You get the idea.
  4. DiamondCore tools are not included with this special.

You can only fill the stocking once. Feel free to fit as much as you can (see rule #1) but you can only utilize this special once, so make sure you get all the goodies you can when you use the stocking stuffer special!

Glaze of the Month: All white and clear glazes are 10% off! - liquid pints & gallons in stock only

Deck the halls with your favorite snowy white or clear glazes! This month's the time to scoop ‘em up while you can, as all white and clear glazes in our store are discounted! This goes for low and mid-fire, and includes all brands, such as Amaco, Mayco, Spectrum and Coyote. Dreaming of Mayco clear pints or Coyote's Satin White Liner as sugar plums dance through your head? We're happy to provide you with all your glazing desires! As long as they're the color of snow and ice.

Year End Holiday Closures Reminder! 

Saturday 12/23 9:00 am - 4:00 pm 

Closed for Holidays and inventory 12/24 - 1/1/24 

Reopen Tuesday 1/2/24, regular hours

As the weather starts ramping up, we encourage our customers to check our social media (Instagram, Facebook) for any late openings or snow days announcements. On snowy mornings with a regular opening, we may be out clearing snow and might not be able to answer the phone. Don't fret, we'll return your calls in a timely manner!

Please be aware that during the freezing months, we cannot accept returns on clay or liquid chemical products such as wax resist. As much as we wish we could take back that half-frozen bag of B-Mix, we can't repurpose it.


This month, for added holiday cheer!

We'll be giving out a freebie from the freebie box to any purchase above $50 until we run out! This may include discontinued glazes, free sample sizes, extra swag, and more! 

All premade bisque items from Mayco are also $10 each until they're gone!

That's all for now! Happy holidays, dear friends, and we look forward to seeing you around the store.

Elise and the Stone Leaf Pottery Crew