Skutt 614-3


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You save $512.00
You save $512.00
  • Skutt EnviroVent2
  • Skutt furniture kit


Small capacity, big features.

The 614-3 can be fired on common household 115V current using a special 30 Amp outlet. It is exceptionally handy for artists with limited space at home. The beginner can begin firing immediately - without a collection of pyrometer cones - and achieve consistently good results. Unlike many smaller kilns, it is a precision device suitable for serious jewelers and doll makers. 

  • 2 Year limited warranty, elements excluded
  • 3" brick standard for increased efficiency
  • Encapsulated Type K thermocouple
  • Crimp on connectors on feeder wires
  • Larger, swing away air cooled switch box
  • Multi-sided design
  • Stainless steel jacket
  • Sectionalized construction
  • Two lift handles on each section
  • Sealed, dust free lid with full-floating hinge
  • Reversible top and bottom slabs
  • Stand included
  • Peep plugs included
  • UL Listing

Please note, 8, 7, 6 and 4 sided kilns do not include a lid lifter system. The lid is not heavy enough to require the extra expense.

Electrical Specifications - Skutt 614-3
Phase Voltage Amps Max. Cone Cu. Ft. Opening Depth Shipping Weight Copper Wire Size Breaker Size NEMA Receptacle
1 115 20 6 .8 11" 13.5" 88 10 30 5-20
You are invited to attend one of Stone Leaf Pottery’s Electric Kiln Workshops.
This kiln workshop is primarily tailored to new-ish customers owning an electric kiln. Still, all levels of firing experience are welcome.
Pre-registration is required to attend.
Spots for this workshop are limited and non-refundable - you may give your seat away if a scheduling conflict occurs.
If you have purchased a kiln from Stone Leaf in the last 2 years, this workshop is free to you. One kiln = one workshop seat. Otherwise, cost for this class is $75.

Extra Information

Chamber Depth:
Opening Width:
Opening Length:
Cu. Ft.:
Firebrick thickness:
2-1/2 inches