Laguna Cone 5/6 Glaze “Try It Before You Buy It” Workshop

Stone Leaf Pottery

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Laguna Cone 5/6 Glaze “Try It Before You Buy It” Workshop
Saturday, March 8 | 9:00 AM – 12:00 noon
Cost: $35

Ready to test out some Laguna glazes and see how they work with your favorite clay body? Join us for a hands-on glaze exploration workshop where you’ll have the chance to experiment with 25+ Laguna Cone 5/6 glazes. Bring your own bisque-fired Cone 5 clay pieces to test layering techniques and discover new glazes you may not have used before.

Unlike our in-store sample pots, which are typically tested on one clay body, this workshop allows you to see how the combination of glaze and clay body produces different effects. It’s the perfect opportunity to find the best glaze options for your unique pieces!

What’s included:
25+ glazes to sample
Take home the last bit of glazes you used in class
$15 off coupon for Cone 5/6 Laguna glazes

What to Bring:
5 bisque-fired Cone 5 clay pieces (clean, dust-free, and residue-free). We recommend:
1 cylinder to test layered glazes on a vertical surface
1 tile or plate for horizontal surface testing
3 additional pieces to explore smooth vs. textured surfaces
5 or more brushes of various sizes
Boxes and wrapping to take your glazed pieces home
Instructor: Ingrid King

Firing: Firing is not included, but available for an additional cost.

Preregistration is required – space is limited!

Extra Information

Stone Leaf Pottery