Golden Ratio Caliper

Ceramic Shop

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Take the guesswork out of proportions for your next project!

Designed and manufactured here at The Ceramic Shop, these calipers are laser-cut to a precise tolerance. Made from easy-to-clean acrylic, and fastened with durable hardware, these calipers can help with physical proportions, design layout, feature placement and much more! With three arms the calipers maintain a constant distance equal to 1 + √ 5 / 2, but we don't do ceramics because we like to do math, that's why we made these calipers!

Have you ever wondered why a shape had proportions that just felt "right"? The golden ratio is all around us in nature, design, and art, and with these calipers you can measure objects and apply that ratio with ease ...and without the math!

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Ceramic Shop